Sister Winkelman and I sure have had a grand time together.
This week was fantabulous.
We still haven't met with Guy...................... He keeps coming up with excuses. Maybe they are legitimate. Hopefully we will meet soon. We are trying to get a member to invite him over. He seems to accept the invitations better from them.
My favorite day this week was Sunday. It was fast Sunday which is always great. And then we got invited over to have dinner at our Stake Presidents home and they invited a less active member he had been visiting teaching and we were able to meet her which was great! She brought her family and we just had a great lesson.
While we were in dinner there was an ice storm. But we needed to make it over to Roberta's because she had invited us over for dinner as well to say goodbye to Sister Winkelman.(glad it was fast sunday) President Johnson said that we would probably be safer walking than driving because of the ice and luckily Roberta lives just around the corner from him. So we made the treck over to her home sliding the whole way there. Hahaha we were quite the sight.
But we had a great visit with Roberta which is awesome because we haven't met with her pretty much all transfer. We were able to talk and the spirit was strong. She'll come around it's just a big transition, and it'll take some time.
Next transfer Sister Winkelman will be going up to my last Area in the Elgin 3rd Ward! (whoot whoot)
And I will be training a new missionary again! I am very excited. It's going to be lots of fun!
Sister Corbett
1.Oh how I love sister Bean 
2. Roberta and Sister Winkelman's goodbye cake!
2. "Hey I look really good in that picture" - Guy
3. Happy Birthday sister Vescovi!